Supply Chain Orchestration
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Bind Variable use in value set in FusionSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to use table value set which would take a variable as input from the UI and fetch a value. With reference to this we came across an Or…
Cancel order line in "Picked" StatusHello all, we have an order that is partially closed, only 1 line is still open in "Picked" status. This line was split from tbe original line —> line 6.2 in the screens…
Access Oracle ATP Data from Order Management ExtensionsSummary: We have a requirement to develop OM extension which should access the data residing in Oracle ATP to do a validation and apply hold on the order. We have explor…
How to create a sales order with a "draft" status when generating it from a transfer order?How to create a sales order with a "draft" status when generating it from a transfer order?Kishore Kumar Reddy Bhushanam 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shyam Patel Order Management
Shipping ToleranceSummary Shipping ToleranceContent Is shipping tolerance in OM on the line level available in Fusion? or will it be available in Fusion Future Releases Version Oracle Fus…
Transfer order to ship through OM is stuck in Order OrchestrationHello Oracle Experts, I am trying to ship a Transfer Orders through OM but it get stuck in the Order Orchestration with error message: "Attribute DESTINATION_ORG_ID has …
Shipment Lines Not Generated for Duplicate Orders with Different Source SystemsSummary: Issue: Shipment Lines Not Generated for Duplicate Orders with Different Source Systems We created a new order in a different business unit (BU) with the same or…
Cost Accounting the user can view all the Inventory organisation for which user is not having accessSummary: Hello Experts, I am facing an issue where the user is able to view all the cost organizations in the review cost accounting distribution for which the user is n…
How to modify shipment date before GL interface in auto invoice process?Summary: How to modify shipment date before GL interface in auto invoice process? While using Distributed Order Orchestration (DOO) as the transaction source in the Auto…
Need to trigger OIC when order is created in draft stateSummary: Hi Everyone, We have requirement that we need to call OIC when any order is created in draft stage in OM. We tried to use business events but using business eve…SreejithNairS 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to have a custom Fulfillment Status for transfer ordersSummary: We would want a custom fulfillment status for transfer orders. Based on this status, the shipment should be decided. As long as the Transfer Order is in the Cus…
BICC Not showing DFF FieldsSummary: Hello Team, BICC extracts are not showing the Shipment header and line DFFs which are configured in the system for the following seeded PVOs: - FscmTopModelAM.S…
How to ship Multiple Orders together in a common shipmentSummary: We have a requirement to ship Multiple Orders together in a common shipment Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement…Abhishek Sinha 52 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
How to display supplier address DFF on supplier Address main page using Application ComposerSummary: We have additional information when navigated inside the supplier Address Name (Navigation: Supplier »Address»click on Address Name hyperlink) as shown below Is…
How To create and add a new Bill to site and update the City of Existing Site in bulkSummary: Using, Manage Data Import Batches → Create New Batch → Enter Batch Name → Source System: Comma Separated Value. Using CustomerImportTemplate CSV how to create o…
What is the identifier for Create, Update and Cancel operation in Sales Order orchestrationSummary: What is the identifier for Create, Update and Cancel operation in Sales Order orchestration Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We ha…
Customer Account Site DFFs are showing into 2 places: view only and editableSummary: Customer Account Site DFFs are showing into 2 places: one place in editable mode and in another view mode. And the same information is visible on the same layou…
Credit Quality Code is getting displayed in cloud as a number during conversion of Customer AddressSummary: The field in Customers, "Credit Quality Code" is getting displayed in cloud as a number during conversion of Customer Master from eBS. It is taking the same val…
Automatic Receipt for RMASummary: We have a requirement to create RMA and where we want auto receipt. Is there a way to do this? Appreciate any input. We are currently calling web service to do …
Pause rule to stop only Non Shippable items (For ex Freight Item) until all lines are shippedSummary: Hi All I am looking for pause rule that stops only Non-Shippable items until all shippable lines are shipped. I have created the pause rule, which is stopping t…
Order Line Stuck with Schedule Status and When Recover the Order the Status UpdatedSummary: For some of the sales order, the status of the sales order line getting stuck with Schedule status, but when we recover the sales order the sales order line is …
How can I put shipment lines to backorder in bulk?Hi, We are implementing integration between WMS and Oracle Fusion, we want to send some shipment lines to backorder, but using the standard API we are obtaining the foll…
How to change "Order" parameter to be mandatory in Release Pause Task ESS JobHello, Our customer manually run Release Pause Task job for every sales order, which have lots of lines. Basically we would like to customize standard job definition to …
How to configure Update and Cancel Integration End Points in Orchestration for Custom TaskSummary: How to configure Update and Cancel Integration End Points in Orchestration for Custom Task Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We hav…
Must provide a valid value for the SALES_ORDER_NUMBER attribute.We are getting this Error for Reservation Entity of Collection Job. How to fix this?
error when creating a Sales Order without warehouse, and different UOM that the primary of the ITEM.Summary: A value is must for the Price attribute. For master items, you must provide a price when there's no list price defined for the item in Product Information Manag…Cristian Rodrigo Gtz-Oracle 35 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Order Management
How to capture Name and Code of Freight CarrierSummary: How to capture Name and Code of Freight Carrier Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement to capture Name and Code of…
Customize order orchestration process to invoke custom pl/sql codeSummary: Requirement is to customize order orchestration process to invoke custom pl/sql code in PaaS to perform a custom table update. How we can achieve this functiona…Harvinder Rakhra 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gururaman Subramanian-Oracle Order Management
Order Orchestration for Return Order line, with no manual receivingSummary: How to create a return line (unreferenced) for an item which is already received by the agent, i.e. return order line is created in Oracle after the fact (recei…
Why the Supply order requested quantity is greater than the sales order quantityWe have a B2B sales order where the ordered quantity is 100, but the Supply Order requested quantity is marked as 10000 and Requisition is created for 10000 as well. We …