Avoid selection of Duplicate Suppliers
Hi all,
My case is as following:
Buyer searches on Purchase Categories to select Suppliers from a list to add to the RFQ.
First he searches on Category X
50 Suppliers are eligible and he adds all of them
Secondly he searches on Category Y
Another 40 Suppliers are eligible and he adds all of them
1) For all 90 suppliers, he would need to populate the Supplier Site field because it's not auto-populated if there is only 1 site (Idea is already pending for this: https://cloudcustomerconnect.oracle.com/posts/061c9cd53d)
2) If the Supplier base covering those 2 Categories (X and Y) overlap, you're adding duplicate Suppliers. For example 20 Suppliers overlap in both categories. You'll be going through a list of 90 Suppliers to then get a Error message from Oracle stating that for these 20 Suppliers there's already a unique record in. You'll need to go through the entire list and find those that are a duplicate and delete.