Negotiation Management
Discussion List
Renaming the standard word 'Negotiations'Summary: Our client wants to rename the standard word 'Negotiations' to 'Tenders' in the instance. Is there any way to do this change. Content (please ensure you mask an…
Import Negotiation LinesSummary Type OptionsContent When importing negotiation lines, I need help with column A of the text delineated file. Column A is labeled, '*Type', and this column indica…
Qualification in Seller NegotiationsSummary: We have a requirement in seller negotiations to add Qualification questions and evaluation team who can score the responses. We saw there is no area to add ques…
Proportianate scoring to responses in SourcingSummary: Our client has a requirement where based on the responses the system will automatically allocate the scores proportionately. To give an example one of the quest…
Late Bid in RFQSummary: Our Client has a requirement to accept Late Bids even if the closing date in RFQ has passed. We dont want to extend the closing date as it will notify all other…
Solicitation line no longer has requisition attachedWe have a solicitation that had a requisition attached and now it's gone and we can't create the PO with the backing requisition.
Can Subject of a Negotiation Award Approval Bell notification be customized?Content Can Subject of a Negotiation Award Approval Bell notification be customized? Like have supplier name and description? Version Oracle Fusion 13, 19C
Knowledge Article: 20B Updates to Sourcing NotificationsSummary This article is about recent updates to Sourcing Notifications and how a Category Manager can configure external notifications sent to suppliers as per the busin…
How can I allow a specific user to give a surrogate response?I want to allow a single user who can give surrogate response. No one should be able to give surrogate response except the user whos .
Missing Filters on Redwood abstract pageSummary: We have enabled View Negotiation Abstracts with a New User Experience opt in feature and hence are using Redwood abstract page now, However category filter is m…Pratyusha Mishra 92 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa Carrick - Oracle-Oracle Sourcing
What and where is the subtask mentioned in negotiation approvals online documentSummary: In Negotiation approval process, there is statement mentioned which conveys about subtask available in negotiation line and based on the line subtask, approvals…
Is it possible to remove/delete/modify the attachment from a Supplier negotiation response?Summary: Our customer currently has a claim from a supplier where the supplier says that he created a response for a negotiation including an attachment. The supplier wa…
Is it possible to return RFQ to supplier after the response receivedSummary: Hi, There is a RFQ in which suppliers have submitted their responses. Time is closed as well. Now user wants to return it back to suppliers , I mean , user want…
in negotiation UI cannot see more than 500 suppliersSummary: Negotiation created with more than 500 suppliers but when i tried to see from UI it showing only upto 500 records. we have already enable Profile option: PON_IN…
Negotiation accept Notification title update shows null in notificationSummary: Hi Team, We are updating the notification title for the notification for when Supplier accepts negotiation invitation, but when we add the parameters from the p…
How to hide the Procurement Business Unit name on Next Gen Abstract Listing PortalSummary: We are using the New Gen - View Negotiation Abstracts with a New User Experience feature from 24C. When we navigate to the abstract listing page from task Confi…
The negotiation team did not add a scoring team to the requirementHi, Our Negotiation Team did not add scoring team to the Requirement. Can they be added during the Sourcing phase with the status Closed Unlocked? You should be able to …
Is it possible to access the Supplier response in Draft status when negotiation is closedSummary: Is it possible to access the Supplier response in Draft status when negotiation is closed Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version…
Supplier portal - attachment errorsSummary: Suppliers are getting errors when loading attachments to RFQ on Supplier portal. Attaching 2 sample screenshots. Content (required): Files are in xml or xlsx an…
Can we set auto rejection with Message for Negotiation Award ApprovalSummary: To include certain validations for Negotiation Award , We wanted to explore the automatic rejection in Negotiation Award Approval. Similar to PO and Requisition…
Roles Needed to Create Contract from NegotiationSummary Is there a way to allow a user to create a contract from a negotiation without marking them as a resource?Content When creating a Negotiation, user needs these r…
Negotiations page not showing more than 500 suppliersSummary: Our buyer has invited 600 suppliers to a negotiation but he can see only 500 suppliers on the page not more than that. But if we export, buyer can see all 600 s…
How to reassign negotiation ownership?Summary A category manager may decide to leave the organization and you may want to reassign the negotiation ownership for the negotiations owned by the category manager…
Adding Sourcing Requirements from Excel: How to get the generated file digitally signedSummary Not able to digitally sign the AddRequirements Excel fileContent We are planning to use Excel to load requirements inti our Sourcing Events. But due to our compa…
How to define Response number for supplier RFQ response?Summary: When supplier create a response through the Supplier Portal, there is a number assigned for each Response. Where can we define the Response number? Content (ple…
Not able to edit the Library Questions once saved to NegotiationSummary: Not able to edit the Library Questions once saved to Negotiation, The Pre list of 'Library' questions are saved as a strict set of questions that cannot be edit…
How to hide the "Cancel" button for Approved/Awarded/Completed RFQ based on Negotiation Template?Summary: Customer would like to avoid user from cancellation the Approved, Awarded and Completed RFQ for certain Negotiation Template. Content (please ensure you mask an…
Can we default the RFQ to not require the creation of any purchasing document?Summary: Currently, the only way to control whether the RFQ should not proceed to purchasing document creation is to select the "Complete without creating purchasing doc…
Composite Scoring and Multiattribute scoringSummary: As far as I understand, composite scoring ranks responses based on price and response to requirements, and it creates an overall ranking of responses. On the ot…
Supplier Portal User Account Negotiation NotificationSummary: Question, with a Negotiation does every user with a supplier portal user account get a notification or is it only the selected contact when the negotiation is c…