Negotiation Management
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Searching by supplier product and services to add the supplier in negotiation moduleBased on Oracle document that says that one of the supplier products and services uses is to identify suppliers to invite to sourcing negotiations as bellow screenshot. …
Negotiation Supplier invitation by searching based on supplier product and servicesDears Orace Support, There is no option to search for suppliers based on the products and services The search by 'category name' does not support the hierarchy of suppli…
is it possible to bring back the supplier for 2nd evaluation Future evaluation after knockout ..?Summary: If the supplier is knock out from evaluation due to some document and technical evaluation , supplier has came back with revised document is it possible to brin…Kiran Kumar Jetti-Oracle 31 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Kiran Kumar Jetti-Oracle Sourcing
Can we link two same negotiations, one in English and one in French.We are working with a client that needs English and French languages as outcomes and responses from suppliers. Can we link two same negotiations, one in English and one …
Add validations to the "validate response" processSummary: The standard functionality validate the supplier response using the "Validate Response" Scheduled process to inform the user errors during the data entry proces…
Sourcing Technical Evaluation On Item LevelDear Oracle Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek clarification regarding the technical evaluation capabilities within the sourcing module …
Any Standard FYI notification sent to the Buyer once the Technical scoring is completed in RFQSummary: We wanted to know if there is any standard notification which will be sent to the buyer once the technical evaluation scoring is completed for RFQ. Content (ple…
Is there any impact while changing FND_TIMEZONE Profile option site level valueSummary: We have seen close time difference in negotiation and it has showing 1 hour difference to system time and application time . As we found application default tim…Kiran Kumar Jetti-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
Is there a way to retrieve specific Negotiation/Tender URL in Oracle FusionSummary: We have a requirement to to display URL in our OIC integration payload for Tenders. This URL when clicked upon, should directly route to the specific Tender/Neg…
Non Disclosure Agreement - How to implement in SourcingSummary Our Client is looking to send the NDA to each supplier before sending them RFPContent Hi, Our client has a requirement that they send NDA to all the suppliers an…
How to view all the lines responses by suppliers in a single page and export it into an excel?Summary: How to view all the lines responses by suppliers in a single page and export it into an excel? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Cu…
RFQ Owner not getting notified after scoring submitted by Scoring team memberHello, Scoring team member submitted the scoring. After scoring submission, RFQ owner not getting any notifications about the submission. Is there any suggestions to not…
How to configure Bid bond, Performance bond and bank guarantee with the supplier?Summary: We need to know whether standard functions are available to configure Bid bond, Performance bond and bank guarantee with the supplier participating in the tende…
How can configure tender fee for the suppliers in a Tender?Summary: We have requirement where the suppliers must pay a one time tender fee for participating in the tender. Are there any standard functionality for this? if not, H…
Bulk Supplier Negotiation Creation for MigrationSummary: We have requirement for client to load 7000+ Negotiation as part of data Migration. Current Process to Load Negotiation through FBDI is Large Negotiation to be …
Can the buyer/owner of the RFQ edit RFQ Header DFFs after publishingSummary: We wanted to know how can the buyer/owner of the RFQ edit RFQ Header DFFs after publishing to supplier. We have created few custom DFFs at the RFQ Header and wa…
SUPPLIER NEGOTIATION RESPONSEI NEED a sql query to get supplier response on negotiation best and final offer BAFO
How to copy requisition DFF to negotiation DFFSummary: How to copy requisition DFF to negotiation DFF like the profile option for PR to PO where Requisition Header Descriptive Flexfields Copied to Purchase Order Hea…
Maximum character limit for RFQ SectionsContent Hello, Company name : AST Client DC Water We need to know what are maximum characters allowed in below mentioned sections of RFQ: 1. Introduction Section in Over…
Purpose of creating two contract numbers as part of NegotiationSummary Purpose of creating two contract numbers as part of NegotiationContent Hi Guys, Can someone help me understand the purpose of creating two contract numbers as pa…
To Restrict Requisition Withdraw and Requisition Cancel Option for a Requisition which is already thSummary Once the Requisition is under negotiation flow, no one should have privilege to cancel/withdraw the backing requisition directly.Content We found that the system…
supplier not able to take action negotiation from supplier portalSummary: When supplier trying to take action on the negotiation he's not able to action on negotiation and getting below error. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Is there any way to correct lines when in this status, Completed, purchasing document not requestedSummary: We should have removed one line from the award solicitation and don't seem to have the ability to do it at this point. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
22C Unable to download contract terms from negotiation The file was not downloaded or was not downloSummary: After 22C we have observed there is an error message while downloading contract terms from negotiation. Content (required): Navigate to Manage Negotiation , Ope…
Create negotiation without LinesHi, We have a requirement to create negotiation without lines, we tried disabling all the line related elements in the negotiation style, but still when we create new ne…
Can we attach AutoCAD drawings in the RFQ attachments sectionSummary: Can we attach AutoCAD drawings in the RFQ attachments section Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Can we attach AutoCAD draw…
Public Sector : Open Tenders. How does it work with Oracle Fusion Sourcing ?Hi, We have a public sector client and has a requirement for open tenders. Below is the definition for open tenders. An open tender involves publishing an open invitatio…
Does a Requestor get a notification when a RFQ is raised for the requisitionSummary: Does a Requestor get a notification when a RFQ is raised for the requisition created by that requestor. Is this notification available in the standard sourcing …
Is a resubmission required after the first round closes?Summary: Is a resubmission required after the first round closes? Scenario: RFI open, supplier responds and their response is active; then the solicitation closes and we…
24A - Reopen Award Decision After Negotiation Is Completed (Opt-In)Summary: Hello Oracle, After reopening the completed award phase, what is the next step in selecting another supplier, and how do you surrogate the response for the next…