Invoice approval for new line type "Rate Based Services"
Line Type "Rate Based Services" doesn't have Invoice line level Match_Type= ITEM_TO_SERVICE_POContent
Hi - We have two different rules for 3-way matched and 2-way matched POs. This distinction we are handling based on Invoice_Lines table with attribute Match_Type. If it's ITEM_TO_PO, we are considering it as for 3-way matched POs and if this is ITEM_TO_SERVICE_PO, we are considering it as for 2-way matched POs.
It was assumed that the new PO Line Type would have match type on invoice line as ITEM_TO_SERVICE_PO but it's not the case. Because if this, our invoice approval rules are not working as expected i.e. we have 3way matched invoices should get auto-approved where as 2-way invoices should get approved by requester. Now Rate Based Services invoices are getting auto-approved because system is treating this as 3way matched based on match_type=ITEM_TO_PO violating our SOX requirement.