How to mimic Peoplesoft Journal Vouchers in Fusion AP
How to mimic Peoplesoft Journal Vouchers in Fusion APContent
For example, suppose an invoice has been entered using expense account 123000. The invoice has been posted and paid, and the payment has been posted, when you discover that the expense should have used account 456000.
Journal Vouchers : To avoid making a manual general ledger entry, which would cause General Ledger and Payables to get out of sync, and to avoid unposting the invoice which involves correcting the invoice and then reposting it for payment, you simply enter a journal voucher in Peoplesoft. On the journal voucher, you reverse the amount to account 123000 and add the amount to account 456000, keeping PeopleSoft General Ledger and Payables in sync. Then you post the journal voucher without having to post a payment.