Unable to pass Code Combination at distribution level to create purchaseRequisitions webservice
Unable to pass Code Combination at distribution level to create purchaseRequisitions webserviceContent
We are getting following error while trying to pass Charge Account to the Requisition API:
Attribute ChargeAccount in view object PurchaseRequisitionLineVO_distributions_PurchaseRequisitionLineVOToPurchaseRequisitionDistributionVO_PurchaseRequisitionDistributionVO cannot be set.
When we pass the payload without Charge Account, then the requisition is getting created successfully.
Our POST request details are below:
"Quantity": 12,
"DistributionNumber": 1,
"ChargeAccount": "AUM430.19070.100669.999.55704.C10.85.000000.00",
"CurrencyAmount": 1200