Single Requisition BU or Multiple Requisition BU
Single Requisition BU or Multiple Requisition BUContent
Here is a business case
Three Legal Entities
- LE1
- LE2 and
- LE3
One Requisition BU and One Procurement BU
- BU1 ( LE1 is assigned as default Legal Entity to this BU1)
Challenge 1
We have PO to be converted from external system for all three LE above but as the we are having one Req BU and one Procurement BU, system is allowing only to load Purchase Order with legal entity value LE1 as this is associated with BU1, it is not loading for LE2 and LE3
How to handle this situation?
Challenge 2
- Agreements
- Approvals
- Approved Supplier List
- Business Intelligence
- BI Publisher Reports
- Notifications
- Orders
- Setup
- Security
- Requisition Processing
- Web Services
- Supplier Communication
- How-To
- White Paper
- Supply and Distribution Planning Cloud
- Financials
- Fusion
- General Ledger
- Payables
- Approvals/Notification
- Create Requisition
- Manage Procurement Catalog
- Procurement Contracts
- Implementer
- Visual Builder Add-in for Excel