Error while pushing data from EPBCS to Budgetary Control in Data Management
Issue while pushing data from EPBCS to Budgetary Control in Data ManagementContent
Hi All,
Here i'm trying to push data from EPBCS to ERP Budgetary Control.
Could see the data exported from EPBCS but getting error out while loading into Budgetary Control.
Not sure about any setting is missing on the Fusion Side.
Kindly provide your inputs to solve the issue.
21A ( Snippet
l_source_application:::::::EPM_CLOUD l_called_from:::::::NON_BTR ======== Starting Import ============ ESS paused state = Start of regular flow ..... Started regular flow ..... XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - Begin of validate_inputdata_cbsecurity XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - Begin of get_single_period_count XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - End of get_single_period_count XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - Begin of get_multi_period_count XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - End of get_multi_period_count XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - Begin of update_request_id XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - End of update_request_id XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - Begin of populate_data_set_gt XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - Begin of populate_data_set_gt p_request_id 3817024 XCC_BUDGET_IMPORT_COMMON - l_final_sql_stmt : INSERT INTO xcc_budget_data_sets_gt (source_application, source_budget,