Budget Import
Discussion List
Need to Swap budget cubes between two control budgetsSummary: Hi Team, We have two control budgets for 2023-2024 and 2024 and 2025 periods. Those two control budgets having two budget cubes and 2024-2025 control budget hav…
Invoices are directed to the wrong budgetSummary: We created new control budgets for 2025 and closed 2024 budget. When creating purchase requisition and invoices, they are directed to the 2024 closed budgets in…
Is there a way to load supplemental rules in bulkSummary: Hi All our control budgets created from projects has to be updated with supplemental rules to have some exceptions in the transaction processing. The supplement…Vignesh.J.S-Oracle 29 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by CA Nirmal Choudhary Budgetary Control
account description field on Budgetary Control PageI have entered a new account at chart of account level. After that I have imported the budgt by spreadsheet for the new year. Then I've changed description in some accou…
21D New Feature - Budgetary Control Synchronization with General LedgerSummary: Content (required): Hi, Can someone explain me the functionality of this feature (Budget Creation and Synchronization using Spreadsheet for both Budgetary Contr…
Migration of Open POSummary: We are in the process of migrating open PO's and we have a question about budgetary control Option 1. We can ask the business to budget for the open PO's which …
To Create Absolute control over Non-Personnel BudgetsSummary: Hi Team, We have a user requirement to create Absolute control over Non-Personnel Budgets. There are 2 groups (Accounts beginning with) - 52’s, 53’s, 54’s, 55’s…
How can we restrict accounts of assets in budgetary control and only consider account type expenses?In the validation of the requisitions, I want you to validate the budgets for the expense accounts and exclude all the other accounts that correspond to assets or others…
Spend budget enablingHi is there any option to control spend amount, lets say PO amount 1M is approved for 3 years So first year allocated spend amount 500K, Second Year is 200K and Third Ye…
how to load consumed budget in oracle fusionSummary: Hello Friends, We plan to implement Fusion mid-year. Assuming the full-year budget for One Account is $1200 and $1000 has been consumed by October 2024, only $2…
Create Control Budget Using REST APISummary: Is there any REST API or SOAP to Create and Update control budget amounts for a specific combination?
Control budget conceptsSummary: Hi We are using a control budget,, but do we have a document that can explain liquidation, obligation, expenditure, and similar terms? Content (please ensure yo…
Upload revenue budgets using FBDI budgetary control templateSummary: The oracle docs indicate that we should utilize the GL budget template to load revenue budgets as the FBDI budgetary control template is for expense budgets onl…
How can i upload Revenue Budget in Oracle Financials Fusion using Control BudgetHi Dears, How can I upload Revenue Budget in Oracle Financials fusion using ADFDI, I want to know if I will load to the account combinations with the Budget values in "-…
Obtain information from a single BU in budget control configured with three BUsSummary: Obtain information from a single BU in budget control configured with three BUs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a budget d…
Comparison mechanism actual revenue VS budgeted amount across categorie like SKU, channel,branch?Hi, I have a requirement to implement a system that compares actual revenue with budgeted targets across multiple dimensions, including SKUs, channels, and branches. The…
Is there a way to remove the Budgetary Control Validation option from the Budget Usage LOV?Summary: Is there a way to remove the Budgetary Control Validation option from the Budget Usage LOV in "Enter Budgets in Spreadsheet"? Or, is it possible to make "Budget…
How to reopen the closed or previous Encumbrance yearSummary: As we want to carry forward Encumbrance balances from old period Jan-2015 to latest 2024 period (Latest open encumbrance period showing in the system 2026) Mana…Ramakrishnaiah Ankisetti 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cozma GL-Oracle Budgetary Control
Budget Transfers across periods for the same account in Budgetary ControlSummary: Hi All, Please advice as to whether there is a functionality to directly transfer budget amounts within the same account across two periods (Same year) in a sam…Vipusha Chandrakumaran 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cozma GL-Oracle Budgetary Control
Principle of the 'budget date' in the Review Budgetary Control Transactions based on?Summary: "What principle is the 'budget date' in the Review Budgetary Control Transactions based on?" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Dear…
Custom Financial Plan Type for Budget not available in LOV while creating Project BudgetHi All, When we try to create Project Budget, our custom financial plan type is not available in the list of values for selection, if we do not enable the checkbox of 'e…
Are Project Costs subjected to Fund Check using Control Budgets?Summary: Are Project Costs subjected to Fund Check using Control Budgets? Similar to Committments/Obligations/Invoices/Spend Authorization, are costs in Projects subject…
We have received a new request to update the existing budget control from Natural Account levelSummary: We have received a new request to update the existing budget control from Natural Account level (Monthly budget check is advisory and Quarterly budget check is …
Sign of amount for account type is Expense, Revenue, Contra Exp/Rev in Budgt Contrl FBDI templateSummary: We are loading Budget balances for Expense, Revenue, Contra Expense and Contra Revenue in GL and Budgetary Control modules, using Budgetary Control FBDI templat…Aswathy Edison-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Aswathy Edison-Oracle Budgetary Control
Why the budget balance amount is not equal to budget entries total amount?Summary: Why the budget balance amount is not equal to budget entries total amount? I think the two should be same. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
How to add a DFF in Budgetary Control Setup page?Hi, Is there a way to add additional information in control budget setup page? Two DFF structures are available under manage descriptive flexfield task for budgetary con…Kannan Radhakrishnan 65 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Kannan Radhakrishnan Budgetary Control
Add totals in Budget Monitor block in budgetary control dashboardSummary: Hi, is it possible to add totals for budget monitor table under the budgetary control dashboard page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
How is baselining and amendments of budgets done in Cloud?Summary: How is baselining and amendments of budgets done in Cloud? Please ensure you mask any confidential information): The client wants to see the baselined budget an…
Control Budget used up by AR Sales InvoiceSummary: Control Budget used up by AR Sales Invoice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi - an organisation I support uses Budgetary Control,…
Funds Available Balance reportProblem Summary Funds Available Balance report Problem Description As per "Using Financials for the Public Sector" guide under: Surplus Funds to Carry Forward A sample o…