Fast Formula - Current Date
How can you get the current date in a fast formula?Content
The fast formula in question is the Global Absence Accrual. Everything I find about getting the current date is to use GET_CONTEXT(EFFECTIVE_DATE,'4712/12/31 00:00:00' (date)). If I run the Calculate Accruals process for a given date and that specifc person is weekly, the date it produces is the pay period end and not the current date.
For example, Calculate Accruals with effective date of 6/20/2022. The GET_CONTEXT produces 6/25/2022 which is the Satruday pay period ending date in which the 6/20/22 falls in. This causes a problem for a person who has an anniversary date of 6/21/2021. The accrual is being given on any earlier day in the Calculate Process prior to 6/21. For the week in question the 6/20/22 effective date in which the Calculate Accruals was processed is giving the accrual one day early. So how do I get the SYSDATE() or TODAY() or CURRENTDAY() or whatever it is since GET_CONTEXT(EFFECTIVE DATE) does not