Financial Tax Register Layout
Financial Tax Register contains confused information because of layoutContent
Payables tax contains Recoverable Tax and Non-Recoverable Tax.
The relation is: TAX = Recoverable Tax + Non-Recoverable Tax
In Financial Tax Register report, for "ALL" tax selected in parameters, this information is presented in two different rows instead of using the same row with two different columns. This presentation creates confusion and wrong total at the end of the report.
For example if the line amount = 100, recoverable tax = 60, non-recoverable tax = 40, now the report shows the information in this way
12345 100.00 60.00
12345 100.00 40.00
Trying to summarize at end of report, will result taxable amount = 200 for this invoice, which is incorrect. There is no tax type identifier for the line (recoverable or non-recoverable). Please see attached picture.