Tax Reporting
Discussion List
Download Tax Configuration to a Spreadsheet going to Retrying status and not downloading tax rulesSummary: Download Tax Configuration to a Spreadsheet going to Retrying status and not downloading tax rules Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
How to fill in the XML for Spanish VAT SII reporting when non-deductible taxes?Summary: We are trying to declare both using the same process as usual, but the system processes everything as recoverable. We have looked at the table JE_ZZ_VAT_REP_TRX…
DAS2 Report on Prior YearSummary: Hi. Could someone confirm if the reports listed below can generate data for previous years? Business run these reports at year-end (e.g., for Tax Year 2024, the…
Tax Allocation Process is not populating all AP invoices for period into je_zz_vat_rep_trx_tSummary: Tax Allocation Process which populates table je_zz_vat_rep_trx_t is not populating AP invoices with an invoice date prior to 2023. how can I find out why this i…
How are Intercompany invoices reported for Online VAT in Spain?Our client has requirement to report VAT on intercompany invoices for Online VAT reporting (SII) in Spain. What are the specific requirements for reporting intercompany …
View Transaction Tax Report HistoryHi Team, Could you please provide below details. What are all the Tax Reports included in the ‘View Transaction Tax Report History’ page? The FULL LIST of what are inclu…
Generate SAF-T Data Extract period not availableI am trying to schedule the job 'Generate SAF-T Data Extract' for the period of Jan-25, but is not visible in search, none of 2025 periods are visible. I have been runni…
Localization availability for South and East African CountriesWe have a Customer which wants to understand the localizations present in the SaaS version of the Fusion ERP product especially Tax related ones for African countries li…
Supplier Tax registration number and Taxpayer ID, which field to use?Hi. I can't find any documentation which explains the purpose/use of Tax registration/Taxpayer IDs in the Supplier records. Suppliers have different registration numbers…
Challenges on VAT Functionality with Oracle Fusion ExpenseSummary: Need to explore whether Oracle Expenses has built-in support for VAT calculation and reporting, especially for international purchases.we should have a clearer …
Unable to launch Invoice Electronic Listing for Italy with Output VatHi, we would need to produce the XML path to be sent to the tax agency for invoices issued to customers. The layout is produced by the report ‘Invoice Electronic Listing…
How to obtain correct tax PA Internal Invoice?Summary: How to obtain correct tax PA Internal Invoice? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have created a draft invoice within the Contrac…ramesh.sivapalan 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cristian Bilibou-Oracle Project Management
Select transaction for tax reporting: unable to select ledgerI can't see the ledger. I have Accounts Receivables Manager Role. Someone can help me?
Mexico Journals report-Regional information fields are not available in ADFDI and FBDISummary: Mexico Journals report-Regional information fields are not available in ADFDI and FBDI create journals Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Replicating the Tax Box Return Preparation ReportSummary: We implemented the tax box solution for Fusion Cloud successfully and subsequently applied the EMEA localisation to EBS R12 to do the same. However, we require …
1Tax Classification Code Field and Improvement Tax Rate Code Mapping in Intercompany Batch CreationI am writing to propose an enhancement to the Oracle Intercompany Accounting module that would not only facilitate greater detail in tax operations but also address curr…
SHAAM Interface FIleSummary: SHAAM Interface File Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a limitation on using the SHAAM localization features below for Isr…
Unable to see Detail Tax Lines so we can hide some fieldsSummary: Unable to see Detail Tax Lines so we can hide some fields Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Unable to see Detail Tax Lines page to …
New Zealand Tax District Reference number in supplier informationSummary: Hi. Our client is migrating supplier information from Peoplesoft and need to know where to migrate TAX DISTRICT REFERENCE in Supplier information in Fusion. Cou…
Different tax rates for Good life district addresses in Nebraska - configurationHi All, Our business has a requirement of setting a 2 state sales tax rate that applies for the same geography of Nebraska. In general, transactions are taxed at 5.5% st…
What India tax reports are available in Oracle FusionSummary: localization tax reports in India in Oracle Fusion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What localization tax reports are available in…
Tax Payer ID VS Tax Registration NumberSummary: I am implementing ERP for a multi-national customer. It seems like Tax Registration Number is the major ID number for Tax Transaction of most countries. Is ther…
In E-Invoicing of India GST exports-XML is showing error of 'State Code is Null'In the case of generating the E-invoice for export invoices in India, following error is showing up "Ship To State Code Field is Null." Thanks, JatinJatin Phutela 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Tax box allocation for VAT on AR credit memosSummary: Hi, we have a customer requirement to configure tax box allocations. However, in certain scenarios the VAT assigned to AR Credit memos should be assigned to the…
Tax Point Date Adjustment for Poland AP invoices not workingSummary: Hello. I am not clear on technical technical level, how does the "Process Tax Point Date Adjustment" process works: Does the "Process Tax Point Date Adjustment"…
help to get SQL query to get the data from tax conditions to Value set valuesSummary: One of our tax determination factors is line account (one of the segments in CoA). We are looking for a report to get CoA values with tax rule name and tax rate…
Einvoice Outbound Process not showing Custom ColumnsSummary: I am customizing Einvoice Outbound process "Record Inward and Outward Taxes for India", added few columns to data Model but those added columns are not populati…
Is there a default tax reporting type/name that must be tagged to an IN TDS Supplier?Summary: Is there a default tax reporting type/name that must be tagged to an India TDS Supplier? Client is migrating from R12 and Peoplesoft to Fusion and there are cer…
Upload of VAT Registers in Oracle Fusion CloudSummary: Upload of VAT Registers in Oracle Fusion Cloud Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have around 500 VAT registers to be configured …
CGST and SGST Tax to be charged on Miscellaneous Receipt for IndiaSummary: How can we charge CGST and SGST Tax code for Miscellaneous Receipt? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When I create Miscellaneous R…Yasmin94 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global