Tax Reporting
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what is the selection criteria used by the tax register and how is it different from invoice registeSummary: We are trying to file our purchases and have seen that not all the invoices in Payables are visible in tax register for a given period of time. We tried running…
Reconciling Tax Box Return Preparation ReportSummary: What is the report to use to reconcile to Tax Box Return Preparation Report ? Very often our user pointed out there are transactions reported in Payables Tax Re…
How does the Financial Tax Register(FTR) report works with the following parametersSummary: How does the Financial Tax Register(FTR) report works with the following parameters : Reporting Level : Ledger Reporting Context : Ireland USD Reporting Ledger …Yasasree Boosireddy-Oracle 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rama Mohan - Support-Oracle Tax & Global
Why Tax is getting calculated on return sales orderTax is getting calculated when we change the price. When user is trying to adjust the price on sales order, tax is getting calculated. Is there a way to stop this calcul…Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Canceled invoice is not extracted from the VAT purchases registerSummary: I have a canceled invoice and it does not appear in the VAT register. How can I get it extracted from the report? Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
How to configure Foreign Vendor Invoice WHT applicable in PakistanI have a scenario regarding foreign invoice vendors withholding taxes applicable in Pakistan. In the current instance, I have configured all Pakistan GST and withholding…
Oracle Fusion application > India GST E-Invoicing XML file > GSPContent We have setup our fusion application to generate the GST E-Invoice XML file. As per discussion with Oracle, It was our understanding that, Once the XML file is g…DPM 39 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Calculate and Create Tax withholding in the name of a supplier different from the original invoiceSummary: Our client needs to comply with a legal requirement, that the calculation of tax withholding at the time of payment of the invoices, the withholdings are charge…
Need Two Jurisdiction Tax calculated on Lease InvoiceHi, I have a scenario regarding lease invoices that will be calculated with two jurisdiction taxes after payment. 1. I have created a rule of lease invoice ITWH tax whic…
Purchase VAT Register for Romania & Receivables Sales VAT Register for RomaniaSummary: Purchase VAT Register for Romania & Receivables Sales VAT Register for Romania Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a way to …
How to setup Customer Withholding Tax on Receivables ?Summary How to setup Customer Withholding Tax on Receivables ?Content Hello I have already read the following notes How To Set up Customer withholding tax (Receivables w…
Italy Tax Exemption amount reached warning notificationWe have tax exemption certificates for Italian customers in Receivables, data held in the Customer Tax Profile -> Tax Exemptions. We need to get a warning email for the …M Shiva Teja Reddy-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Is there any Possibility for Slab tax rate lease invoices separately show on AP Invoice in fusion?I am facing an issue regarding lease invoice slab tax rates which are defaulting from the Supplier site, The Issue occurs when the slab tax rate is calculated after vali…
How to configure Reverse Charge Mechanism for AP Invoices for Domestic/Intra EU Invoices for ItalySummary: Hi, We have a requirement to configure Domestic Reverse Charge/Intra EU Reverse Charge for Italy suppliers. Business is expecting a Input Vat (+)/Output Vat(-) …
1099-NEC Oracle Seeded Template Form - Look of the form dataSummary: Few things we noticed when printing our 1099 forms. For calendar year, the font on the date placement just looks sloppy to our business team. The last digits of…Jason Bender - Estes Express Lines 21 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
reports for brazil localizationSummary: Hi We are looking for the list of Brazilian Localization Payables reports provided by fusion? When checked, we found out that R12 gives the following reports. D…Swathi__K 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Is there a LACLS Argentina Demo environment?Summary: Is there a Demo environment testing where it can all LACLS solutions from Argentina? Latin America Cloud Local Solution for Argentina (Doc ID 2622019.1) it cont…Edmundo Rincon 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Inventory document printouts with number tracking for PolandSummary: Inventory document printouts with number tracking for Poland In EBS:- There is solution for Fixed Asset for EMEA Consulting Localizations related to Poland Stat…
How to issue Importation Invoice in FDG?Summary: Content (required): The Customer needs to issue Importation Invoice in FDG because it is a Direct Importation and the Foreign Trade third party does not issue t…
How to reverse Recovery Account Balance to Expense Account through Tax journal spreadsheet for an APSummary: How to reverse Recovery Account Balance to Expense Account through Tax journal spreadsheet for an AP Invoice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…Arun KumarTangudu-Oracle 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Is there any possibility to edit or delete the condition set within the determining set code in TaxIs there any possibility to edit or delete the condition set within the determining set code in Oracle Fusion? I want to delete the condition set which is wrong and crea…Moeed 58 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
SAFT ExtractHi Got one file around SAFT from oracle…
Customer Registration number with rest apiWhen I create a customer in Accounts Receivables with REST API I use the payload for the registration number: But it is imported in the field 2, but we need to see it in…ACNROMA2023 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Inquiry regarding audit subnodes under the product “Tax” in Audit Policy ConfigurationSummary: Hi, I am seeking clarification on specific audit sub nodes within the audit policy configuration that require a deeper understanding. I kindly request your guid…Zafar Ara Nawreen 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Fusion Cloud Tax Report with Tax Branch and Tax IDSummary: In Fusion Cloud Tax, is it feasible to have Tax branch and Tax ID or Tax Number in Tax invoice and AR tax document Wherein Tax Address shall be maintained at Br…SaurabhSinghal 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Transaction Lines with two different tax rates are not splitting in the JPK output fileSummary: Transaction Lines with two different tax rates are not splitting in the JPK output file Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have t…Surya08 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
In Tax Reporting can we create a form or template for issuing certificate to vendor for Withhold TaxSummary: In TRCS-(Tax Reporting Cloud Services), can we create a form or template for issuing certificates to vendors for Withhold Tax paid and its respective details. F…AG007 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Does Tax reporting helps in Double Taxation calculation and Transfer pricing.Summary: Does Tax reporting helps in Double Taxation part and Transfer pricing.AG007 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Liquor Book - Argentine LocationIn the GUIDE_LACLS_ARGENTINA_REPORTS you will find the Liquor Book?, which has the following format:Liliana Goncalves 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
How to cancel/Reverse Golden Tax InvoiceSummary: Cancel / Reverse Golden Tax Invoice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Cancel / Reverse Golden Tax Invoice Version (include the vers…Krupa.B 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global