Office 365 - conditional layout based on hidden field value
How to display layouts conditionally based on a value of a hidden fieldContent
Hi team,
We have a requirement where we would like to display different UI layouts based on a value of a field which would be hidden from the layout.
For example, in outlook account edit UI, we would like to display 2 different layouts based on the value of a field (SOURCE_X) like below
Display Layout_EBS
Display Layout_CRM
We can easily achieve this using advanced criteria based on field SOURCE_X. However the shortfall is we will need to expose the field SOURCE_X in the layout to be able to use as a condition. If we expose the field, the user would be able to modify the field value which would eventually nullify the logic to display different layouts. Also even if we make SOURCE_X un-editable in APP composer, it does not flow through to outlook (I think it’s pretty standard based on our research).