Need to pick up the dff values from Ship to instead of bill to through OM extension
what changes shall i make in code to pick the values from ship to instead of bill to?
Content (required):
Object getParty(Long PartyId,Long partyidentifier)
def CustAcctPVO = context.getViewObject("");
def vc = CustAcctPVO.createViewCriteria();
def vcrow = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
//vcrow.setAttribute("PartyId", PartyId);
vcrow.setAttribute("PartyId", PartyId);
//header.setAttribute("PackingInstructions", PartyId);
def rowset = CustAcctPVO.findByViewCriteria(vc, -1);
def PartyDetails = rowset.first();
def AccountID = PartyDetails.getAttribute("CustAccountId");
def CustAccountSiteView = context.getViewObject("");
def CustACCVC = CustAccountSiteView.createViewCriteria();
def CustAccVCrow = CustACCVC.createViewCriteriaRow();
CustAccVCrow.setAttribute("CustAccountId", AccountID);
CustAccVCrow.setAttribute("PartySiteId", partyidentifier);