Procurement and Purchasing approvals Query: Requester Level 1-10 Supervisor
The procurement documentation has the following two attributes:
Requester Level 1 -10 Supervisor User Name : User name of the top 10 worker in the supervisory hierarchy of the requester. Requester Level 1 Supervisor User Name being the user name of the topmost worker
Requester Level 1 -10 Supervisor : Supervisor in the supervisory hierarchy chain of the requester. Requester Level. Supervisor being the topmost worker on the supervisory chain
Adr -> Fel -> Laz - Fran (Top person in Hierachy)
Type = Approval Task Attribute
Attribute = Requester Level1 Supervisor
Operator = Equal
Value = Fran
Does the value have to hardcoded?
Do you have some business examples where the above attributes can be used?