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Inactivating Individual Compensation Plan
While going through a clean up on Oracle HCM, we noticed that there are a list of ICPs that are no longer in use due to company changes, so we wanted to close them off from ICP as part of the clean up. Below are the steps we took to close it off:
1) End dating the Element (say August 31, 2022)
2) Compensation>Individual Compensation Plan>Find the element name. The ICP shows up with no Element most likely because the element is already end dated from step 1.
3) We cannot delete the ICP or the Option as this error shows up "You can't delete this option because it's currently used to allocate compensation. (CMP-1005058)". We assume this is because there are elements already assigned to employees prior to end dating the element, which is fine as we can still inactive the ICP.