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Cross currency Receipts


Unable to apply receipt B - in LE  

The receipts listed to be applied to the invoice are from different bank accounts.

For instance

AR Invoice = USD 2,500

And AR receipts

A- USD 500 from  Zenith USD Offshore Bank account is USD

B- LE 60,000  from Zenith SL LEONES: receipt from Zenith SL LEONES, Bank account is SLL Currency, not equal to Ledger Functional currency, it is NOT a multicurrency account. 

C- GHS 10000 from Zenith - Cedi Collection: Bank account is GHS currency, the same as Ledger Functional currency and it is a multi-currency account 

Content (required):

requirements: All the receipts created in the different bank accounts to be applied to the AR invoice at the user exchange rate provided.

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