PO number not showing up on Req line or Req search page after adding funds via Change Order
Summary: Has anyone else seen something like this? So it looks like something may have changed with regard to the PO line no longer showing up on the requisition page when new req lines for adding funds via a Change Order are added. It appears to have started in late November. Could it be related to related to the 22D update? If not does anyone know why this would be displaying this way? I check the known issues page for 22D but didn't see anything that fit the bill.
The process is purchasing manager asks for funds added to the Req/PO. Contract is checked to insure there are enough funds. A new req line is added to the PO. PO is updated with Change Order. Then when you go back to check the requisition to check all lines and see the PO number it's no longer displaying on the Req page or even the Req search page. see screenshots. Thanks!