When will FDMEE be able to use OAUTH authentication with EPM SaaS gen 2?
When will FDMEE be able to use OAUTH authentication with EPM SaaS gen 2?
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As far as I know, the only current authentication method that FDMEE can use with EPM gen 2 SaaS pods is basic HTTP authentication (forgive the dark reader view).
EPM Automate allows the usage of OAUTH authentication with EPM gen 2 SaaS pods set up with an OAUTH refresh token and client ID gained from an IDCS OAUTH mobile client setup.
I'm pretty sure that some customers will even be just setting IDCS native user passwords to never expire at the moment in EPM SaaS gen 2 given that foundation IDCS you get with SaaS gen 2 can only have one password policy and we can't use OAUTH from the FDMEE end to negate the risk of expiring passwords 😲