Discussion List
How to customize the email subject for notifications from EPM Account ReconciliationSummary: Need to customize the email subject for notifications from EPM Account Reconciliation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently f…
Unable to Unlock Ownership Management Form despite Approvals Being UnlockedIn our system, we have enabled organization by period. To lock the approvals, we must also lock the ownership management form. The issue is that we are now unable to unl…
Financial Reporting (FR) and its transition to Reports starting from the June 2025 update (25.06)Summary: Could you please help us answering the following questions regarding the upcoming changes in Oracle's support for Financial Reporting (FR) and its transition to…
Audit Options changes not reflecting in Audit report of EPM appsSummary: I have a question about the audit report within the EPM application. Specifically, I'm curious about tracking changes to audit options and the enabling or disab…
Audit and User Reports in Oracle Cloud Console (IAM) contentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all Every year we have external Auditors asking for this kind of information for EPM clouds ap…
epm integration agent fail to execute nullI have a new instance in OCI with windows 2022, where I installed Java 21, Python 2.7.3, and EPM integration agent, but when initializing the agent, I get the following …SantiagoC. 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Viorel "Van" Andritoiu-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Purpose and Usage of Target Version in ASO CubeSummary: Would like to know the Purpose and Usage of Target Version in ASO Cube Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Would like to know the Pur…
For how long the logon attempts/User logins are saved in EPM?Summary: For how long the logon attempts/User logins are saved in EPM? Is this indefinite in backend and when displaying in Web UI is this restricted to 120 or 180 days …
Converting existing EPBCS and FCCS standalone licenses to Enterprise licenseSummary: We are in the process of procuring Oracle EPM Enterprise license. We are already using EPBCS and FCCS Clouds but as individual standalone licenses. Content (ple…Madhu Chalamalasetty 42 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
EPM Integration Agent - Cloud Credentials Vs FileSummary: Have used EPM Integration Agent in past with Cloud as credentials in DM filters but it does not work anymore and only File works. What am I missing here? Conten…
Change the names of EPM PoDsWe have 4 EPM PoDs which some of them need to have their names changed as the instance name has FCCS in it when we want to provision ARCS or EPBCS. this will become very…
Compute Instance Metrics for EPM CLoudSummary: How to Compute Instance Metrics for EPM Cloud Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all we want to see the Compute Instance Metrics …
Grant access to all Department reportingSummary: We have a user that cannot see all of the reports linked to all departments and when they navigate to reporting the URL points to Fusion even though it says "En…THawkins_LGI 32 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
There is no Total Geography under Tree view to select hierarchySummary: in EPM Test there is no Total Geography under Tree view to select hierarchy - We need to have the Hierarchy to open and close periods. How would we add the Tree…
Export the Audit Log in EPBCS into 1 xls fileSummary: Hello All, Just wanted to ask if there is a possibility to export audit log in EPBCS into a single file only for more than 30 days' worth of logs? Currently, if…
Integrating Data from EPBCS Capital Module to ERP Fixed AssetsSummary: Hello, Would there be an oracle document that can explain if there is a Data Integration from EPBCS Capital Module going to ERP Fixed Assets. If there's no orac…
Not able to Submit or Approve the taskSummary: Task: Update task progress in the "Close Schedule" - Task Manager - End User Approve task progress in the "Close Schedule" - Task Manager – Approver Result: not…
Exported Report shows Report name for excel tabs instead of 'Pages' member namesIn Financial Reporting, when we export a Report to Excel, the dimension members selected in the 'Pages' section of the Financial Reporting web studio are exported to sep…
New Asset creation in EPBCS Capital Planning moduleSummary: I have created a new asset in EPBCS capital module. I have done the calculate asset portion, the next step is to roll up the asset. However, upon executing this…
Migrate Batches to Pipeline-Is there a roadmap to discontinue to Batch feature (Batch & Open Batch)?Summary: Batch, Open Batch will be removed from Data Management? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Batch, Open Batch will be removed from Da…NarayananS 52 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Randa-Support-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Pipeline variables are unstable, When will this become stable?Summary: Pipeline variables are unstable, and we are hesitant in using our jobs for automations owing to this Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Data Management Vs Data Exchange - Category Mapping works different?Summary: Data Management Vs Data Exchange - Category Mapping and filters for Scenarios are working differently Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…NarayananS 145 views 19 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajesh Pachiyappan-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Pipeline does not pickup default value unless passed in REST Execution. Expected behavior?Summary: Pipeline does not pickup default value unless passed in REST Execution. Expected behavior? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Using …
EPM FCCS - out of the box integration for loading metadata from Oracle ERP Cloud to EPM (Consol Op)Summary: Hi All, we are trying to integrate metadata from Oracle ERP to FCCS Cloud using out of the box integration. We noticed that the Consol Operator were ignored. Wh…
Difference between Upload and Move File Operations in PipelineSummary: Difference between Upload and Move File Operations Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What is the Difference between Upload and Move…
ATTR and UD in DM/DESummary: Does ATTR and UD work in same way when assigning target dimension classes? If all UDs are assigned for desired dimensions and if we are left with no more UDs th…
Non-federated logins no longer work after SSO configuration (Gen2) - including mine!Non-federated logins no longer work after SSO configuration (Gen2) - including mine!
How to configure EPMAutomateSummary: How to configure EPMAutomate in Client's instance? 1.What are the pre-requisites? 2. Do we need any additional server setup? 3. Need detailed steps to configure…
The File Was Not Downloaded or Was Not Downloaded Correctly - PO PDFSummary: I recently updated my PO PDF report template and uploaded it. When I try to view that in View PDF in front-end, it throws the error "The File Was Not Downloaded…
Data Exchange Pipeline burst NR report across enviornmentsHello Anyone tried executing a Dataexchange pipeline ExecuteBurstdefenition successfully based on below scenario? Pipeline (e.g. Pipe1) is created in POD1 with a connect…