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Default and Override formula suddenly started to give error
Previously we were able to use PER_EXT_GRADES_TL_NAME DBI in the system successfully in many of our ‘Compansation Default and Override’ fast formulas. Although there's no code change in the formulas, they are all getting an error for the last 2 days. The error is about: GRADE_ID variable in “PER_EXT_GRADES_TL_NAME” DBI cannot be accessed from ‘Compansation Default and Override’ formula context. I don't know if there'a specific reason or product change that blocks us to use “PER_EXT_GRADES_TL_NAME” DBI in ‘Compansation Default and Override’ formula.
After the last maintenance announcement we've received, we've discovered that error in our TEST (23B) environment. Afterwards we checked it also in our PROD (prelive) (23A) instance and the same formulas still work fine there.