Category 56
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How employees view a Safety Incident they created?Presently employees can only create the safety incident but there is no way for employees to go back and view incidents. Would like to know if there is a way for employe…
Employee Timecard with absences for a whole week not able to approveSummary: Employee had a PTO for whole week, time card submitted to line manager for approval. When line manager tries to approve the time card gives the following error.…
How can we add Cities in Geography HierarchySummary: Usually we have public holidays by country (Canada) or at the province level e.g. Alberta, Quebec etc. Our client has a requirement on some Public holidays is t…
Validation fast formula the error should triggered when exceed 20 hrsSummary: We developed a validation fast formula for our new absences plan, but during testing, we encountered an issue. When attempting to apply for leave for an eligibl…
How to update Used balance in qualification plan based on the applied leaveCreated a Sick Leave Qualification plan Type . Participation Evaluate remaining entitlement without absence record but i cannot see the used leave balance. Not sure what…
How to enable editing Hire Date and Legal Employer in these pages: Promote and SecondmentSummary: When Promotion and Secondment goes into approval, an approver has the ability to edit details. We want the ability to edit the employee's hire date and legal em…
restrict employee from submitting zero in the Time cardSummary: I am using the seeded minimum time entry rule template AP Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are us…Jinusha Glory 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Accrual Balance mismatch - QueryHi All, Several employees have a balance discrepancy between the plan level and the accrual level. Is there a query available to retrieve this information and identify t…Saurav R-Oracle 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
System allows Absence Type Entry without existing PlanSummary: We have two absence types behaving differently with respect to absence recoding error messages even though the configurations look the same Content (please ensu…Sundar Krishna 20 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Encountering an error when running Import Cost for ProjectSummary: When import cost was run this issue was encountered PJF_CAL_GL_ACCTD_ERR_CST The accounting period wasn't closed because the transaction is accounted in Oracle …
Unable to end date/make inactive Annual Leave planSummary: Unable to end date/make inactive Annual Leave plan Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello We have a number of Annual Leave plans w…
Redwood Timecard - Disable Entered statusSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently, in RUI, If a timecard is created, but is not saved/submitted and cancelled, then there…
Following basic features missing from Redwood 24DI am testing OTL Redwood in 24D - following features are no longer supported in Redwood. Do I need to open an SR with Oracle support or are they already known gaps and O…
Absence Rollover get balance issuesHello, Our absence balance rollover formula seems to be incorrectly grabbing the balance of our sick frozen plan. Instead of grabbing that plans balance it is grabbing t…
In Redwood, can we disable the Hours from the copy function or save template function?Summary: We would like to be able to copy a previous time card but do not want to copy the hours into the current time card. We do not want to be able to save a template…Cindi Jacobsen 85 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by John P Bynum Jr-Oracle Workforce Management
unable to inactive absence plan even after deleted all leave history and enrollment for all employeeSummary: unable to inactive absence plan even after deleted all leave history and enrollment for all employee Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…MonaliSakhare 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nirmala Vijayakumar-Oracle Workforce Management
How to arrange absence reasons alphabetically on employee add absence redwood pageSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, How to arrange absence reasons alphabetically on employee add absence redwood page ? Thank yo…
How to disable specific employees from creating and submitting timecardSummary: Need to disable time card for certain employees. I tried excluding them in the worker time entry profiles but that did not work. Please advise
can we approve or reject in BULK from "Review Proposed Progressions and Salary Updates" pagein My Client Groups » Compensation » "Review Proposed Progressions and Salary Updates" page, at present we have to manually check or un check the checkboxes to Approve o…
16 day rotating shift pattern not working correctlySummary: Hi, I need to create a rotating shift with 2 days 2 nights , 2 days off, 2 days, 2 nights and 6 days off. This will be 16 day pattern starting sunday. I have us…
Disable pop-up window - "apply selected position changes"Hello, In quick actions like Change employment, employee hiring etc. - when selecting a position in the Position field - window pops-up for selecting which fields can be…
Unable to add public holiday in timecardHi Team, Could someone please assist with resolving the issue below if you've encountered something similar? I'm trying to add a public holiday to an existing timecard, …
Unable to change the quantity from 8 Hours to Zero in time card using Time Change RequestSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to delete the time entry hours using time change request. But this looks like a bug and will be fixed in 25B, as a workaround we are t…
Team Change Request Redwood page not showing up under My Team TabSummary: issue we're experiencing with accessing the "Team Change Request" feature through the My Team tab. Despite configuring the structure to make it visible in the q…
Redwood Copy Previous Timecard has no limit the amount of times it can be pressedThe Copy Previous Timecard has no messages that pop up and you can click on it multiple times and it will just keep loading the hours. We got my timecard up to 65 lines …Ali Akbary - Huron 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by John Finnegan-Oracle Workforce Management
Redwood time card translation time totals drawer not visibleSummary: We are testing the Redwood time card translation for Germany. For the translated timecard time totals drawer is not visible. Content (please ensure you mask any…
Line Manager receives dual notifications from Projects and Payroll time card approvalSummary: We have the below requirement for approval and payroll processing rules based on person criteria. Payroll Processing rules: 1. Exempt Employees - Process only P…
AbsenceSummary: Absence Administration Page when be migrated to Redwood Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are migrating to Redwood, in Absence M…
What Groovy Expression can I use to get the Person IDs? IDs only for assignments with active statusSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What Groovy Expression can I use to get the Person IDs? IDs only for assignments with active stat…
Cannot see "Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio" in ProductionSummary: We are currently in 24A version for both Test and Production instances. I can see "Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio" in Test instance but not in Production. I…