Is there any way can let the receipt cleared accounting date follow the Bank Statement Booking Date?
Is there any way can let the receipt cleared accounting date follow the Bank Statement Booking Date?
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When we create a receipt,the receipt date and the accounting date is 2023/06/01 and post to GL,the accounting entries will be at2023/06/01
Then manual reconciliate the receipt and Bank Statement,the Bank Statement Booking Date is 2023/06/05,the the cleared accounting date will be at 2023/06/05
But when we create two receipts,one is 100$ and the receipt date and the accounting date is 2023/06/01 and another is 200$ and the receipt date and the accounting date is 2023/06/02, and then post to GL,the accounting entries will be at 2023/06/01 and 2023/06/02