Account Details
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Recommended Frequency to run Receivables transaction jobsSummary: Hello Experts, What is the recommended frequency to run the following jobs on regular basis in Fusion? Refresh Receivables Transactions for Customer Account Sum…
Manage customer wise unit price in ReceivablesSummary: Manage customer wise unit price in Receivables Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Theres a requirement to manage customer-wise unit …
Can we create SLA rule for revenue account for Non Inventory ItemWhen ever i change the is option to 'Yes', then the SLA rule starts working. SLA Rule» Account Segment Rule.Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
Split REC class accounting in the Receivables TransactionsSummary: The Customer needs to split the REC (Receivables) class accounting in the Receivables Transactions exactly as per REV (Revenue) accounting. So, if there are 2 l…Eberton Ballista-Oracle 87 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_86ODI Receivables & Collections
How to merge 2 customer accounts with in a same partySummary: Hi Team, I'm trying to merge 2 customer accounts that belong to same party. However, when I navigate to Customer Data Management > Duplicate Resolution > Select…Lavanyaa Damodaran 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Can we create Miscellaneous Receipts in "ReceivablesStandardReceiptImportTemplate.xlsm" FBDIAs per Doc ID 2572442.1 we cannot create Receivables Miscellaneous Receipts in ADFDI (Create receipts through spreadsheet). But Can we create Miscellaneous Receipts in F…KanikaMahajan 344 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeetendra Achary-Oracle Receivables & Collections
JBO-27004: Attribute set for Status in entity CustomerAccountSiteUseEO__DefCustomizer__ failedSummary: CustomerAccountService SOAP api throws the error below, while trying to update status from Inactive to Active at customer site use level. Is there a restriction…
Issue with SLA mapping for chargeback transactionWe want to change the SLA mapping for product segment under revenue account for chargeback transaction as the business wants to have the same product segment that is pop…Lakshmi Kanchi 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Lakshmi Kanchi Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
Customer Statement - not printing if only negative outstanding transactionSummary: No statement is generated when a negative balance is outstanding Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have noticed that, when a…
how do we manage the timing of payment credit card cybersourceLets say the Invoice date is 1 jan and payment due date is 1 feb (net 30). When AR Invoice for credit card is created , and due date is later, when should the automatic …KumR 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
What value to be populated on Creditor Identification Number in Debit Authorization on Customer SiteSummary: What value to be populated on Creditor Identification Number in Debit Authorization on Customer Site while Implementing the Direct Debits. Content (please ensur…Vipanchi Mullangi 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Partial revenue reversal for AR Transaction when tax is inclusiveSummary: Hi Team, In our system, we use tax inclusive for all AR Transactions. So, the line amount entered is inclusive of taxes. We have a scenario where users would wa…Goutam5555 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Use invoicing rules with imported transactions in oracle receivablesGood day, Currently we are implementing oracle fusion lease accounting, in some leases have a billing frequency of quarterly, and we a requirement to recognize the reven…Ahmed Abdelaziz 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Subsequent changes in DFF in Manage Customers is not recorded in the Audit ReportSummary: Hi We have a DFF in Manage Customers, which we have added in the Manage Audit Policies for auditing. We have made one initial change and it was recorded in the …P.S.Nikhitha Muduliar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
bulk update collectorCollection Experts - The collector setup at Customer Account Level did not show in Collections Customer Profile.. I had to manually update. But is there a bulk load proc…
AR Receipt Search doesn't return full resultsHello, We are experiencing an issue in the AR Module of Oracle Financial Cloud where incomplete results are returned when searching for "Receipt Number"s in Oracle, spec…mayasoleimani 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Wong output from Schedule process (create customer statement)Hello I have Two problems to run schedule process { load customer statement } Successfully I had to update all customers 90000 customer { statement cycle , preferred del…AyaSharaf 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
My client asks to add transaction description or note in Review Customer Account Details ScreenSummary: My client asks to add transaction description or note in Review Customer Account Details Screen Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): V…Mohamed Abdelbar 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Unable to update AR Transaction Invoicing ruleSummary: Hi Team, We have a scenario where data was imported without Invoicing rule and revenue scheduling data accidentally. After import is completed, we are unable to…Goutam5555 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
You must enter a valid context for the Line Transactions flexfieldSummary: Error when uploading open balance in oracle cloud "You must enter a valid context for the Line Transactions flexfield." Content (please ensure you mask any conf…Hadeer Ahmed 41 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to create profile history at registry level using Oracle APISummary: Hi Team, I am trying to create a profile history at registry level for a customer account using below SOAP API. /fscmService/ReceivablesCustomerProfileService?W…Tamilselvan Natarajan 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to update sales person at Customer AccountSummary: Hi Team, We need to update Sales Person details at Customer Account level under Account Information. Is there any REST or SOAP API to perform this operation.Tamilselvan Natarajan 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to generate a report reflecting the receivable balances for customer with Employee as classificaEmployees will be set up as customer in the receivables module. How can I generate receivable balances per employees?Butch Melvin 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
What is the purpose of the Primary flag at each level of the customerWhat is the purpose of the Primary flag at each of the 3 levels? - Account Site Contacts level - Contact Points - Account Contact Responsibilities
Can i Create a credit limit for 2 accounts under the same party.Summary: We want to have different credit limits for 2 accounts under the same party Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a client reg…Miroslava Brito Certad 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nimisha Sakalle-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Best Practices for Scheduling Processes for AR Data SynchorinisationSummary: Hello Experts, What is the typical interval we recommend for scheduling the following jobs in AR? Please share the best practices, and let us know if scheduling…Akhil Chawan 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by César Alfonso-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to update RA Interface line level attributes DFF define under context of Contract InvoiceSummary: How to update RA Interface line level attributes DFF define under context of Contract Invoice REST API/SOAP Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Receivables table for On Account Credit Memo transaction reference numberSummary: How to identify transaction reference of (1) On-Account Credit Memo applied through Manage Credit Memo Application and (2) Credit Memo applied through Receipt? …
customer invoice emailMy customer wants a report of all email addresses used when sending AR invoices from a given date. can u please advise where we can find this information ? is there any …
Accounting error You must review the error: Product Family should not be 999 for this account.Summary: Accounting error on secondary ledger for AR Credit memo transaction Error:You must review the error: Product Family should not be 999 for this account. No error…Rofe_Nenewel 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Karthik Karanth-Oracle Receivables & Collections