RPL issues with custom unsubscribe link
We are in the process of transitioning over to the Email Message Designer and are having an issue converting our custom unsubscribe link over to RPL.
We are unable to get our custom unsubscribe link to track unsubscribes in reporting data. Below is the custom unsub link used for our campaigns in the classic campaign view versus the link used in Email Message Designer.
Classic unsubscribe link: $formlink(DCI_unsubscribe,EMAIL_ADDRESS_,concat(encode=,encodedristring(campaignname())))$
RPL unsubscribe link: ${form('DCI_unsubscribe', {}, 'EMAIL_ADDRESS_')}
The RPL unsubscribe link redirects to the correct form and successfully unsubscribes the email address; however, the unsub is not getting tracked on the live report.