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RPL question

I am looking to pull in an encrypted personalized url from a supplemental table. For some reason I keep getting an error with the url. Anyone have any suggestions?


                                                      <#data TARGETED_EMAIL_LIST as list><#filter EMAIL_ADDRESS_1 = CONTACTS_LIST.EMAIL_ADDRESS_><#fields ENCRYPTED_URL>



                                                    <td align="left" class="navStyle" style="font-family:Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #535353; border-bottom: none !important;"><b><span class="block"><a href="${list.ENCRYPTED_URL?string}" style="color:#535353; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank"><span style="color:#535353; text-decoration:none">CLIP COUPONS</span></a></span></b>

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