Supplemental SQL not showing up as filter option
I have created a supplemental SQL query that I am trying to use as a program filter. The statement runs without errors when I test it. However, it doesn't show up as an option when I go to select it within the program filter drop-down. This leads me to believe that something is set up incorrectly in the supplemental SQL. This is the statement I've written:
Select a.RIID_, a.NEXT_STATUS_CODE, b.EMAIL_PERMISSION_STATUS_, b.EMAIL_DELIVERABILITY_STATUS_ , b.BIRTHDATE, b.LEAD_STATUS, b.EMAIL_ADDRESS_ from $A$ a inner join $B$ b on a.RIID_ = b.RIID_ where to_char(b.BIRTHDATE,'mm-dd') = to_char(trunc(sysdate),'mm-dd') and b.LEAD_STATUS = 'C1' and b.EMAIL_ADDRESS_ IS NOT NULL and a.NEXT_STATUS_CODE != '955' and a.NEXT_STATUS_CODE != '952' and b.EMAIL_PERMISSION_STATUS_ ='I' and b.EMAIL_DELIVERABILITY_STATUS_ = 'D'