Preview campaign error
in Responsys
Hi all:
I am getting the following error when trying to preview a campaign. Any idea?
Email Message preview failed because email message contains RPL syntax error, detailed error: Encountered ")" at line 501, column 98 in cms://contentlibrary/campaigns/tours/bpTours_es-6.htm. was expecting one of: <STRING_LITERAL> ,<RAW_STRING> ,"false" ,"true" ,<INTEGER> ,<DECIMAL> ,"." ,"+" ,"-" ,"!" ,"[" ,"(" ,"{" ,<ID> , Encountered ")" at line 789, column 98 in cms://contentlibrary/campaigns/tours/bpTours_es-6.htm. was expecting one of: <STRING_LITERAL> ,<RAW_STRING> ,"false" ,"true" ,<INTEGER> ,<DECIMAL> ,"." ,"+" ,"-" ,"!" ,"[" ,"(" ,"{" ,<ID> ,