REST API POST error response is in unreadable format
Can you please help me understand why such response is received.
we are using standard oracle process to read the response:
IF p_wallet_path IS NOT NULL AND p_wallet_password IS NOT NULL THEN UTL_HTTP.set_wallet('file:' || p_wallet_path, p_wallet_password); END IF; -- Initialize the CLOB. DBMS_LOB.createtemporary(l_clob, FALSE); -- Make a HTTP request and get the response. l_http_request := UTL_HTTP.begin_request(p_url); -- Use basic authentication if required. IF p_username IS NOT NULL AND p_password IS NOT NULL THEN UTL_HTTP.set_authentication(l_http_request, p_username, p_password); END IF; l_http_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response(l_http_request); -- Copy the response into the CLOB. BEGIN LOOP UTL_HTTP.read_text(l_http_response, l_text, 32766);