Populate contract line DFF in AR Transactions
We are storing additional pieces of information in contract line DFFs and I want ATTRIBUTE2 details to be populated in AR Invoices Lines. I was hoping to create a custom DFFs [table valueset] in AR Descriptive Flexfields > Line Transactions and Context = Contract Invoices to achieve these requirements. I realised RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL contains a number of attributes and I have a feeling INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE5 which has an alias LINE ID and might hold contract line id data. Please can someone confirm my assumption is correct?
I'm also struggling to figure out which field holds contract line id in OKC_K_LINES_B and distinctly links the line in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. I don't want the sql to return multiple values. How do I restrict to a single value to return?