Project Billing and Revenue
Discussion List
Revenue recognition processSummary: Recognize revenue without generating accounting distributions (in context of sponsored project billing) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
How to use Skip Rules in Invoice approval workflow?Summary: We have a requirement on Project Invoice Workflow wherein if the Event Type is a value from a particular Lookup, then the Invoice should be Auto-Rejected. If it…
How billing job for OTL entries can be updated on existing expendituresSummary: We have cases where billing job is wrongly updated within HR module causing wrong amount calculated on project side for those time entries. Is there any way we …
How to trim extra spaces on invoice format for eventsSummary: We are using contract line name and event description on our invoice formats. Due to variations in contract line name extra spaces are coming when we generate i…
Auto-Update of Product Fiscal Classification, Product Category based on PPM Invoice Line DescriptionCan Product Fiscal Classification, Product Category, Product Type and User Defined Fiscal Classification be auto-updated based on the Invoice Line Description in Project…
Table/Column for Contract>>Financial Summary>>Last Revenue Recognized dateSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Which Table/Column have the Last Revenue Recognized date column? (Contract>>Financial Summary>>La…
Manage Contract Revenue - How to join adjustments with revenueSummary: On : version, Manage Contract Revenue How to join adjustments with revenue - Getting multiple records. How to join adjustments with revenue - Gett…
Expenditure Types do not translate when added to invoice formatWe want to add expenditure type to the invoice format but it doesn't seem to translate from English on the invoice line description. Is it possible to make it multilingu…
Table tax on draft invoiceSummary: Tax table on Draft Invoice Content (required): On the generation of the draft invoice the system correctly calculate the tax amount using tax rules, but there i…
Can I make journal entry changeable with information of Billing Event?My customer bill multiple times for bills generated from a single Contract Line. So, different journal entries need to be generated for Bill in advanced and Usual Billin…
Manage Summary Revenue Screen does Not Consistently Populate Budget RevenueFor Project Contracts (N) Contract Management > Revenue > Tasklist > Manage Summary Revenue The 'Manage Summary Revenue' screen intermittently populates the 'Budget Reve…
Organization Hierarchies and Classifications Impact on Cross ChargeHi All, Could you please let us know is there any linkage between Manage Organization Hierarchies and Classifications and Cross Charge functionality. Actually currently …
How to do invoicing in PPM based on Timesheet entered in OTLSummary: Hi Experts, I have a requirement of generating invoices based on timesheet entered in OTL. How can i achive this. Cost is imported to projects once timesheet is…
Planned Start Date different from Planned Finish Date in MilestoneSummary: With the new Milestones functionality, released with version 24B in PPM (Project), when I create a Milestone starting from the Financial Project Plan, I'm unabl…
Unable to share the cost between two business unit in oracle Fusion Projects and GrantsSummary: Hi Team, We have created the award and project details for Business Unit 241 and enabled the cross-charge functionality at the task level. As per the business r…
Conditional on being tied to a project in Contract Approval Workflow(BPM).My customer want control that only projects for which a contract has been created are charged cost. So I'm wondering if we could make related projects a condition in Con…
Unable to recognize rev using this formula: Rev = Contract Value* Actual Cost/Approved EACSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to be able to recognize revenue on projects based on the following formula: Revenue= Cont…
Moving the Contract Line DFF to Line Type LevelWe have DFF at contract line level and the requirement is to move this DFF at Contract Line Type. Could you please let us know moving the DFF from one place to another i…
Ability to credit specific line on a multi-line invoice generated from contractsSummary: Since we have implemented Oracle Fusion we have been unable to determine a way to credit 1 line on a contract invoice when multiple lines exist. At this point w…
Project Billing, split the total amount into three different AR Invoice amount and date.Objective: Totaling $9,000 in the Project Billing module, I like to split into three different periods and for three different amounts, rather than a single invoice for …
Can I disable approval workflow for Project Contract Billing?Can I disable approval workflow for Project Contract Billing? My customer doesn't need approval for Project Contract Billing, so I would like to disable approval workflo…
Generate contract invoice lines in a specific sequenceSummary: Generate contract invoice lines in a specific sequence Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there any setup that can be done, to en…
Contract resources in the project invoice workflow.Our requirement is to include resources allocated in the contract (from the Parties tab for the supplier, such as the Contract Administrator) as approvers in the workflo…
How Tax is calculated on a PPM Draft InvoiceSummary: How Tax is calculated on PPM Draft Invoice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts - We want to understand how draft invoices …
How to Automate the Invoice Generation ProcessHi All, Thanks in Advance!!! Could you please let us know the process for Automate the Invoice Generation Process for Fixed Price contracts. Milestones are using in the …
After Import Costs runs the expenditure batch status does not change to ‘Processed’ after 24C patchProblem Category/Subcategory --------------------------------------------------- Capture and Process Cost/Manage Unprocessed/ Unreleased Cost/Expenditure Batches We have…
Credit memo re-generated everytime.Summary: Credit memo is regenerated everytime Generate invoices process is run Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): An invoice was cancelled by…
Milestone Billing and Revenue Recognition_Different CurrencySummary: Milestone Billing and Revenue Recognition_Different Currency Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We are exploring the new fe…
PPM Billing completion date 6-AUG-2024 and accounted in draft.PPM Billing completion date 6-AUG-2024 and accounted in draft. Not interfaced to GL in final status. At the time of AUG-24 period closing business kept the SEP-24 period…
Update an expenditure item rest api - External Bill RateIf we update an expenditure Item with a value for External Bill Rate, when we run Generate Invoice will this Bill Rate be used?