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Fixed Fee Revenues

edited Sep 22, 2023 6:09AM in Project Management 4 comments


Customer is requring to automatically recognize revenues on fixed amount (fee) which is the result of total Contract Line Amount (e.g. 120,000 Eur) divided by the number of monthly periods realted to the Contracts (e.g. 12 months since Contract Start Date: 01/01/2023 and Finished Date: 31/12/2023).

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The only solution we found out it is to manage a extended Revenue Rules using the Project Process Configurator feature where we took the amount of the Contract Line diveded by the number of months reported in Contract DFF (e.g.: 120,000/12=10,000 EUR) minus the PTD Revenues - formula: (Contract Line Amount/DFF Number)-PTD Calculated Revenues. However this solution has some Cons':

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