LACLS: Dominican Republic (DO) BIP Reports Libro Diario and Libro Major do not render parameters
The Libro Diario and Libro Major BIP reports in the Latin America Cloud Local Solution (LACLS) for Dominican Republic do not work. Parameters do not render.
Content (required):
We installed the Latin America Cloud Local Solution (LACLS) for Dominican Republic. We need to run 2 reports; 1) Libro Diario (i.e.: Daily Journals) and 2) Libro Major(i.e.: General Ledger). The parameters for these 2 BIP reports do not render. We have an Oracle SR open, been open now for over 1 month. When I try to run the report, the web page just spins and spins endlessly. The parameters never render on either report. I get the error "Page unresponsive". We just installed patch # 35650693 which was supposed to fix it. But it did not.