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can't set values in the same row for time attributes with different units of measure. (HWM-3750149)
I am building OTL in the UAT pod, and having built the elements as Irregular Earnings (Time Card), I ran the following processes.
Generate Data Dictionary Time Attributes (Completed successfully
Generate Time Card Fields -
TimecardFieldGenerationProcessAMImpl is created
Enterprise Id is 1
JBO-HWM:::HWM_TCD_MANAGE_LAYOUT_MTCF_UOM: <MESSAGE><NUMBER>HWM-3750149</NUMBER><TEXT>You can't set values in the same row for time attributes with different units of measure.</TEXT><CAUSE></CAUSE><ACTION></ACTION><DETAILS></DETAILS><INCIDENT></INCIDENT></MESSAGE>
TimecardFieldGenerationProcessAMImpl is released
####[2023-10-31T19:15:52.194+00:00] [INFO] *********************BEGIN: Time Card Field Generation******************
============== BEGIN: Parameters =============
New Time Card Field Name: TIE Time Types