Time and Labor
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Need to write a time entry rule type of fast formulaI have to write a time entry rules type of fast formula which will return an error message if there is an employee applying to a time card which has condition like if th…
How to Test Meal Penalty in Time and LaborSummary: Hi Team, I just wanted to test if Meal penalty is working as expected. Could someone please let me know how to test Meal Penalty in Time and Labor? Please provi…SivaHCM 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Time entry on Abs DaySummary: I am facing an issue with OTL Fast formula. we have a one seeded fast formula for Time entry on Abs Day that is not working as excepted. actually as per client …Zakir Hussain 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Can any one please tell what is column name which stores Auto approval by system in OTL ModuleWe have a requirement to find the list of records for those time cards which is automatically approved by system. Please let me know if there is any feasibility to achie…vpandian16 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
HCM OTL Redwood: Unstable tags for automationwhen the execution started for OTL time sheet entry location of field entry for start and stop is dynamically changing XPATH when its done though automation. We normally…Ratkal 63 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Can we limited the project time card hours by specific expenditure type?Hi All, Can we limited the project time card hours by specific expenditure type? For example, We limited user can entered 8 hours for the straight time per day while do …Weitao 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
How to have Compensatory Time Absence Plan appear in the Calculated Time section of a time card?We can successfully have comp time generate using time calculation rules in Time & Labor, however, we are unable to see this comp time as generated in the calculated sec…
How to link TM Record Group to Aprvl TM Record Group in SQLHello SQL Gurus! I'm trying to find a way to link to IDs in a single Query. When the project time card approval WF fires I have two APRVL_TM_REC_GRP_ID: One for the proj…Guillaume SAVALL 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
This assignment is not eligible to use X TRC code. Please make the necessary adjustments.Summary: We are creating a mirror to the Hours Worked time code but are receiving this error when trying to use the time code. The time code appears in the time card, ca…TR_BSU 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Reference External Time Devices through Time EventsHello everyone, There is a requirement where we want to see the external time device name used inside the application in the Time Events screen. Is there a way where we …John-Christ Rahmeh 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Analyze Rule Processing DetailsSummary No Result in Analyze Rule Processing DetailsContent I have ran a few Time and Labor rules using both delivered and custom Fast Formula. I expected to be able to …
configure Holiday based on different feildNeed to Configure Holiday based on "Assignment location" field which is DFF feild ( which we have created for our internal purpose). Customer wants to assign the public …Mr. AM 55 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Automatically add a lunch break as a time type to time cardsSummary: Requirement to have a lunch break added automatically to employee time cards. Content (required): Is it possible to display a default lunch start and end time o…
Employee Timecard with absences for a whole week not able to approveSummary: Employee had a PTO for whole week, time card submitted to line manager for approval. When line manager tries to approve the time card gives the following error.…
How can we add Cities in Geography HierarchySummary: Usually we have public holidays by country (Canada) or at the province level e.g. Alberta, Quebec etc. Our client has a requirement on some Public holidays is t…
restrict employee from submitting zero in the Time cardSummary: I am using the seeded minimum time entry rule template AP Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are us…Jinusha Glory 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Redwood Timecard - Disable Entered statusSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently, in RUI, If a timecard is created, but is not saved/submitted and cancelled, then there…
Following basic features missing from Redwood 24DI am testing OTL Redwood in 24D - following features are no longer supported in Redwood. Do I need to open an SR with Oracle support or are they already known gaps and O…
In Redwood, can we disable the Hours from the copy function or save template function?Summary: We would like to be able to copy a previous time card but do not want to copy the hours into the current time card. We do not want to be able to save a template…Cindi Jacobsen 85 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by John P Bynum Jr-Oracle Workforce Management
How to disable specific employees from creating and submitting timecardSummary: Need to disable time card for certain employees. I tried excluding them in the worker time entry profiles but that did not work. Please advise
Unable to add public holiday in timecardHi Team, Could someone please assist with resolving the issue below if you've encountered something similar? I'm trying to add a public holiday to an existing timecard, …
Approvals: Is it possible to have auto-approval after a certain timeframe?Summary Approvals: Is it possible to have auto-approval after a certain timeframe?Content Approvals: Is it possible to have auto-approval after a certain time frame? We …
Unable to change the quantity from 8 Hours to Zero in time card using Time Change RequestSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to delete the time entry hours using time change request. But this looks like a bug and will be fixed in 25B, as a workaround we are t…
Team Change Request Redwood page not showing up under My Team TabSummary: issue we're experiencing with accessing the "Team Change Request" feature through the My Team tab. Despite configuring the structure to make it visible in the q…
Redwood Copy Previous Timecard has no limit the amount of times it can be pressedThe Copy Previous Timecard has no messages that pop up and you can click on it multiple times and it will just keep loading the hours. We got my timecard up to 65 lines …Ali Akbary - Huron 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by John Finnegan-Oracle Workforce Management
Redwood time card translation time totals drawer not visibleSummary: We are testing the Redwood time card translation for Germany. For the translated timecard time totals drawer is not visible. Content (please ensure you mask any…
Line Manager receives dual notifications from Projects and Payroll time card approvalSummary: We have the below requirement for approval and payroll processing rules based on person criteria. Payroll Processing rules: 1. Exempt Employees - Process only P…
How to allow one timecard format for one group, and a different format for another groupSummary: • Intermittent employees require the Position column on the timecard to enter hours for two different positions. Regular full-time employees, having only one po…
FTE / Head Count for seasonal and part time employeesSummary: We have hundreds of students working with us during the summer and winter months. Some work a regular full time work week, others work varying hours. Our standa…
Assignment and Payroll Time Type not showing on timecardSummary: We changed some jobs and positions for a group of people with an effective date of 09/02/2023. When the employee(s) go to enter their time for the current pay p…