Pause rule for Invoice Bundling with EFF not working as expected
Created an Order 1000005541 with 4 lines, with line type Grouping for all 4 lines, Invoice Bundle 1 for line 1 and 2 and 2 for Line 3 and 4.
Relevant screenshots are attached in a word doc
Business case/Expectation: In the above example first two lines are having Invoice Bundle (EFF) value as 1 once the First line has shipped, pause should get applied and it should not go to awaiting billing, It should go to awaiting Billing once all the lines with Invoice Bundle value 1 gets shipped. same goes with lines with EFF value 2.
Two separate Invoices needs to be created based on the EFF value. I.e. One Invoice for first two lines and another/separate Invoice for line 3 and 4