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Value set retrieving multiple lookups?
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I was wondering whether it is possible to create a WHERE CLAUSE for a value set that retrieves two or more lookups with conditions
To be more specific, we want to create a subcategory (that will be a dff) for Goals page that restricts the drop down list according to the category that is selected.
Category options (the category is a predefined common lookup): BUS, PERS
Subcategory if BUS (the subcategory is a custom lookup): BUS1, BUS2, BUS3
Subcategory if PERS: PERS1, PERS2, PERS3
I tried to create an independent value set for the Category and then create a dependent value set. However, when I tried to create a dff and use the dependent value set, I got an error saying that I the dependent value set exists without its matching independent value set. So, from my understanding, this option is not possible.