Removing Manage Orders Attachment Paperclip
We need to remove the attachments paperclip next to purchase orders in the Manage Orders search screen for certain users. Navigation is Procurement > Purchase Orders > Tasks > Manage Orders > Search for PO with attachment. First option would be to identify a privilege that controls this access and remove it from appropriate roles. I’ve not been able to identify a privilege that will control this so please let me know if one exists.
Second option is to remove access with page composer (structure). Design and config snapshots attached, where I have created an empty BSA ELEX PO PDF Attach AddlInfo JR role (Code = BSA_ELEX_PO_PDF_ATTACH_ADDLINFO_JR, Category = Procurement - Job Roles) that will be required to see the paperclip. When I publish this sandbox, the paperclip should be removed for any users who do not have the BSA ELEX PO PDF Attach AddlInfo JR role and still visible for users who do have the BSA ELEX PO PDF Attach AddlInfo JR role. Instead, the paperclip is removed for all users. The first four rows of the design