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Manage e-mail templates: Template not showing in the LOV
Hello team,
we are currently trying to create some e-mail templates which will be used as default for our client's campaigns.
We go to Setup and Maintenance -- Manage E-mail Templates and we then click on "Add" in order to create the Template. On the "E-mail Editor" field, we choose the "Advanced" option which drives us to the HTML Designer page, where we can create our template, using one of the predefined ones as a basis. Once done, we click on Save and then we activate the Template.
Our problem is that when we go to My Client Groups-- Communicate-- Click on a created campaign-- Go to "Content"- Click on "Add"- Click on "E-mail" -- Click on "Save", we are then driven to the HTML Designer Page, where, on the "Template" field, we can not find the E-mail Template that we have configured through the "Manage E-mail Templates" task.