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Manager rating should not be the final rating in case of calibration
We have configured the performance document in such a way that we have 4 tasks in the process flow.
1. Employee Evaluation
2. Manager evaluation
3. Calibration
4. Share performance document
Now what happened is that, employee rated himself during self evaluation and then sent it for manager evaluation. After manager performed the evaluation then the document got locked for calibration. During the calibration of the performance document, the CnB team did not make any change to the rating of the employee and unlocked the document so that Managers can share the ratings with the employee.
Since CnB team did not make any change to the ratings in the worksheet therefore the ratings finalized by manager is shared with the employee. We want to restrict that final rating which will be shared to the employee is from the compensation worksheet by the CnB team and not finalized by the manager. In case CnB team did not make any change to the rating of the employee then blank ratings or no ratings should be shared with the employees. Manager rating should not be the final rating if calibration is enabled.