PO Approval BPM task not returning any value for any of the attributes from Payload
We are trying to configure the DocumentApproval BPM task using the BPM Worklist window. However, we are unable to get proper value from any of the attributes from the task payload.
We tried to use following attributes:
/task:task/task:payload/task:DraftOrChangeOrder (to decide if it is a change order or not)
and /task:task/task:payload/task:FunctionalCurrencyOrdered (to get the PO amount in functional currency)
/task:task/task:payload/ns2:findPurchasingDocumentHeaderResponse/ns2:result/ns7:RequisitioningBuId (to get the requisition BU)
/task:task/task:payload/ns2:findPurchasingDocumentHeaderResponse/ns2:result/ns7:Attribute9 (to get attribute9 of the PO header)