How to remove "Inspection plan Optional" checkbox for Receiving inspection plan
As Receiving inspection plan is non-optional , we need to grey out or make "Inspection plan Optional" checkbox invisible while configuring the Inspection plan of type 'Receiving'
We are using page composer to do the same but not able to achieve the desired result.
The below syntax is making in invisible for all type of inspection plans. We need the checkbox to be invisible only for plan type "Receiving"
We are using the below syntax:
#{bindings.InspectionPlanType.inputValue == "Inventory" ? true : false} or
{bindings.InspectionPlanType.inputValue == "Resource" ? true : false} or
{bindings.InspectionPlanType.inputValue == "Work In Process" ? true : false} or
{bindings.InspectionPlanType.inputValue == "Asset" ? true : false}