Supplier Communication set to 'Override E-mail Recipient' on test system, but still want to test CMK
Hello CCC community,
In our Production environment we make use of the CMK module to send Purchase Orders via XML to some of our suppliers having the ‘Enable B2B Messaging’ flag set to yes on Supplier Site level. For the other suppliers, we communicate our Purchase Orders via email/PDF.
The Procurement Profile ‘PO_CONTROL_SUPPLIER_COMMUNICATION’ we have set to ‘Enable’.
This all works fine.
Periodically we clone our Production environment to a Test environment, and in that case on the Test environment we change the Profile ‘PO_CONTROL_SUPPLIER_COMMUNICATION’ to ‘Override E-mail Recipient’ (including the linked profile ‘PO_NOTIFICATION_OVERRIDE_E-MAIL’). This avoids that any approved Purchase Order will be send to a Supplier email address mentioned in our cloned Masterdata.