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Need SQl Query for which we need to show Approvals information
Step1)My teams >>My teams >>Select one employee >>Initiated Promotion
Step2)Login as a Approver1 >>Approved the Promotion Request
Step3)Login as a Approver2 >>Approved the Promotion Request
Step4)Login as a Approver3 >>Approved the Promotion Request
Step5)Login as a Approver4 >>Approved the Promotion Request
we need Approvers Information (i.e Approver1 ,Approver2 ,Approver3 ,Approver4 )
Can you please suggest any query or tables for the approvals Hierarchy.
when promote one employee with the all approvals.
Approval data needs to display in the report output.
For the approvals hierarchy we are using below query.
CURSOR apprv_test (cp_assign_id number,cp_level number ) iswith apprv_tbl as (