Dunning letter is not getting generated,
Hi I have enable staged dunning and whenever i am trying to run the dunning letter it';s going into error and in the error it;s also not generating any proper error log, some time is generated letter but's only one type of letter template its generating like not all three soft/moderate/final , , i have all the trx like current + 30 days due 90+ days due according to this it has to pick different letter as per setup but it;s generating all the time one type of letter for all the trx either final /Soft/Moderate
example i have 3 trx Inv 1 0 days due, Inv2 -30 days due, Inv3 60 days due , After running send dunning program it has to pick all the three template for that particular customer because cutstomer has due invoices for 0/30/60 days as per delinquency, but it;s generating final output or soft output and putting all the trx in one, ideally is has to send different 3 letters