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View specific sections of the excluded population in directory (e.g Personal Information)
Hello all,
We have a new requirement regarding the visibility of the directory for the HR users. To be more specific, we have created data roles and person security profiles to restrict the visibility for certain population categories. For example, the HR users with the data role "view own AoR Exclude ELT" should not be able to view information other than the Public Info and Feedback, as it is shown below:
The exclusion rule that was used is based on their Jobs (exclude by Job list). The person security profile that was used is the following:
But now, they wish to be able to view more sections in the directory for the excluded population in view only mode, for the Personal Details and Employment Info. So, the HR should be able to view only Public Info, Personal Details, Employment Info and Feedback when accessing the Directory of the excluded population. Is there a way to bypass the exclusion for certain sections of the directory (Personal Details and Employment Info) and if yes, how can it be achieved?