Discussion List
Is it possible to put specific criteria on a workflow?Summary: Is it possible to put criteria on a workflow that looks at whether or not the submitter has the approver AOR (Representative) Version (include the version you a…
How to control access to 'Delete' and 'correct' button from employment infoNavigation: My client group→ Redwood Employment info→ Historical Changes→ Correct/Delete option on Redwood employment info page we get option to correct and delete histo…
Which roles or privileges give access to the "Configuration" tab?Summary: We have notice that a lot of our local HR have access to the Configuration tab and can then create Sandboxes… We would like to remove this privileges to keep it…
Giving access to view worker journeysSummary: We want to enable HRBPs to be able to view completed worker journeys for their business area. What privilege/role do we need to assign to make this happen? Cont…
You Do Not Have Permission To Add Users Other Than Yourself As Direct Recipients - ErrorHi, We're encountering the following error: "You Do Not Have Permission To Add Users Other Than Yourself As Direct Recipients." Please find the attached screenshot for r…Saurav R-Oracle 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Send New Account notification to users whose preferred language differs from the system defaultSummary: Oracle does not maintain the candidate preferred language preference from the candidate record to the employee record. SO every time we move someone from recrui…
You don't have access to this worker's assignment info message in employment start dateSummary: Redwood employment start page displays message 'You don't have access to this worker's assignment info' with seeded Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
Priv for employee to view and access the Document record quick actionSummary: Priv for employee to view and access the Document record quick action Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, I've created a …
ESS address search is blank via Contact InfoHi, I am logging in as an employee with seeded employee role. I cannot enter an address nor find any address in the drop-down. It gives me blank drop down
No drop down values for Parent Position, Business Unit and Department while creating a positionWe have created a custom role only to create and request a position change. After 25 A release we are noticing that we are not able to view and select any drop down valu…
What table/field stores user account locked info?Summary What table/field stores user account locked info?Content We've had a few employees whose accounts have become locked recently. I'd like to write some SQL to iden…User_2025-01-25-02-53-28-953 344 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Ala Sweileh Human Capital Management
25B Change to login screen - first impressionsSummary: The 25B release notes show a change to the user login page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 25B is introducing a change to the lo…
Return to work notifications is not firingSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, When an employee completes a sickness absence, it should send a notification to their line manager, prompting them to complete a …
How to hide single Sign on option or User ID/PWD methodSummary: Would like to know if we can hide either Single sign on option or User ID Option Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include…
Unable to populate results in Position DetailSummary: Trying to created a custom role to only access to view position details but unable to pull anything in the search. Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Unable to restrict HR Specialist ability to view employees from other regions. Need helpHi, We need help on the below issue we are facing in a test instance where we are testing Redwood Actions. HR Specialist of a particular region is able to view employees…
What is the feasibility of enabling Captcha on Oracle Fusion login pageHi All, Can anyone let us know is it possible to enable Captcha on Oracle Fusion login page? Regards, Oleti Niveditha
Policy for user account lockoutHi All, After how many unsuccessful login attempts the user account will be locked? Is there a time frame exists for the lockout after which the account will be unlocked…
How to Restrict Employees from Viewing Their Own Job Details in Self-Service?Summary: Employees should not have access to view their own job details in Oracle Fusion HCM Self-Service. Currently, they can see details such as Job Name, Job Code, an…Support 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Delegation Role of Procurement Manager: what about data access and procurement agent setup?Summary: I need to delegate the role of the Procurement Manager from user A to the user B. In order to enable the user B to create a Purchase Order, should I set Data Ac…
not able to see demographic information under personal detailsSummary: not able to see demographic information under personal details even after adding manage person legislative privilege to cusom role and creating data security po…
Remove change salary from Line manager roleSummary: We have a requirement to remove Change salary from Line manager role. we have removed ORA_CMP_MANAGE_SALARIES privilege from role hierarchy and ran import user …
Role assignment by provisioning rulesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we assigned custom role by provisioning rules. After the Autoprovision Roles for a…
HR view only role for Document RecordsSummary: HR view only role for Document Records Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we would like to create new HR roles only f…
Is it possible to limit LOVs for assignment status by role?Summary: Our HR teams are inquiring if we can restrict line managers from selecting particular assignment status options during a transaction. I found an older post that…Terrah Atterholt 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Cannot add person to AOR by templateSummary: When trying to add a person to an AOR template via this navigation (My Client Groups > Quick Action > Area of Responsibility Templates > Select template and add…Karlie Backman 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Human Capital Management
Contact Info in Person Spotlight displaying blank page? What are the possible solutions?Summary: I have a custom role from Human Resource Specialist and deleted some not needed privileges . But upon testing it with a user , the contact info already showing …
roles required for Redwood change assignmentHi everyone We migrate the change assignment page to redwood. When we use the standard line manager role, the page works, but when we use our custom line manager role, t…Fernando Cordova-Oracle 53 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Fernando Cordova-Oracle Human Capital Management
Disability Info OTBI Report AccessHello Team, HR's/Recruiters can view Disability Info for employees under Personal details. In OTBI, workforce management person real time report Disability info is blank…
Is there a way to make Grades, Grade Rates, Enterprise HCM Information Read only in Redwood PageSummary: **** Team, We have a requirement to make Workforce Structures in Read only mode in Redwood Page. I checked Human Resource Analyst role but it does not gives acc…Neha_C-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kathi Chenoweth-Oracle Human Capital Management