Purchase Order PDF Report with conditional sub template
We have a requirement for one business unit to issue 4 completely different purchase order PDF's based on shiptolocationname. We have the sub template working with the <?for-each:PdfDraftHelperDataSet?> and <?for-each:PdfArchiveHelperDataSet?> for the DRAFT and ARCHIVED version. See customer connect note 1064906
We are now trying create the IF statments for the conditional call of the sub templates. The main template is as follows (testing on 2 simple examples VNO and MOC represent the different shiptolocations):
<?call@inlines:VNODraft?><?with-param:shiptoloactionname;./SHIPTOLOCATIONNAME?><?end call?><?call@inlines:VNOArchive?><?with-param:shiptoloactionname;./SHIPTOLOCATIONNAME?><?end call?>